Only uncaptured orders can be cancelled. Orders must be cancelled in full; partial cancellations are not allowed. For partially captured orders where you no longer wish to charge the remaining authorized amount, the remaining amount should be released instead.
How to Cancel an order
Follow these steps to cancel an order:
Open the Kustom Portal and sign in.
Navigate to Orders from the menu on the left.
Find the order by using the reference, order number, customer name, or email address.
Click on the order to open the detailed view.
Select Cancel order in the top right corner.
In the pop-up click on Cancel order to confirm the cancellation of the order.
You have now cancelled the order.
What happens to a cancelled order
Cancelled orders will not appear on your Settlement report because they were never captured.
If a customer has been charged for the order at the time of order creation, cancelling the order initiates the repayment process to the customer.