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Refund order

A refund is used to adjust a captured order by reducing or removing order lines or amounts.

Updated today

How to refund order line(s)

An order line is a single line in the order list.

Follow these steps to refund all, or a selection of order lines from an order:

  • Open Kustom Portal and sign in.

  • Navigate to Orders from the menu on the left.

  • Find the order by using order reference, order number, customer name, or email address.

  • Click on the order to open the detailed order view, select the order line(s) you wish to refund.

  • Click Refund and confirm the action.

You have now refunded the selected order line(s).

How to refund an amount

At this point in time refunding an amount is only available via API.

How to add a return fee

If your terms and conditions allow you to charge customers a return fee, you can add this in the Kustom portal before refunding the order.

Follow these steps to add a return fee:

  • Open Kustom Portal and sign in.

  • Navigate to Orders in the menu.

  • Find the order by using order reference, order number, customer name, or email address.

  • Click on the order to open the detailed order view.

  • Select the order line(s) you want to refund.

  • Click on Refund.

  • Select Add refund fee.

  • Add the relevant fields for the return fee. The fields you can edit are:

    • Amount

    • Tax rate

    • Tax amount

    • Name of return fee

  • Click on Confirm to proceed.

You have now refunded the selected order line(s) and added a return fee.

What happens when I refund an order?

  • If a customer has paid for the order a refund initiates the repayment process to the customer.

  • If a customer has not yet paid for their order a refund reduces the amount the customer should pay.

  • The refunded amount will be deducted from your next payout and will be visible on your next settlement report.

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