Welcome to Kustom
If you currently have a Klarna Checkout agreement, you'll soon be fully upgraded to Kustom! Once you’re onboarded, you'll gain access to exciting new features that will be rolling out throughout the year, including:
More payment methods are on the way, offering greater flexibility to fit every market and match both your business needs and your shoppers' preferences.
Enhanced customization tools give you full control over UX modules and third-party integrations, tailoring your checkout to your exact needs.
A brand-new Kustom portal to streamline your day-to-day operations while also offering deeper insights and advanced analytics to boost conversions.
What do I need to know?
You'll have access to the Kustom Portal ahead of the transition. Learn more about it here.
Kustom will support valid IBANs for payouts to your business. For more information on supported bank accounts, click here.
Certain order management API endpoints will need to be retired. You can find more details here.
If we need any additional information, we'll reach out to you directly.
When is the upgrade happening?
All merchants with an active KCO agreement will be transitioned to Kustom during the first half of 2025. To ensure a seamless process, we're upgrading merchants gradually rather than all at once. Don’t worry, you’ll be notified in advance before your business is scheduled to move.
Do I need to take any action now?
For now, there's nothing you need to do—just keep an eye out for future updates from us.