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Capture order

By capturing an order you are letting Kustom know that an order has been fulfilled.

Updated over a month ago

How to capture order line(s)

Follow these steps to capture all, or a selection of order lines from an order:

  • Open the Kustom portal and sign in.

  • Select Orders from the menu on the left.

  • Find the order by using the reference, order number, customer name or email address.

  • Click on the order to open the detailed order view and select the order line(s) you wish to capture.

  • Click Capture if capturing part of the order and Full capture if capturing all of the order lines.

You have now captured the order.

How to capture an amount

At this point in time capturing an amount is only available via API.

How to capture multiple orders

You can capture multiple orders at once. When you capture multiple orders, all order lines within the selected orders will be captured in full. Follow these steps to capture multiple orders:

  • Open the Kustom portal and sign in.

  • Select Orders from the menu on the left.

  • Select the checkbox on the left of each order you want to capture.

  • Click on Full Capture and confirm the action.

You have now captured the selected orders.

How to view what has been captured on an order

You can view your timeline to check what has been captured on an order. Here’s how:

  • Open the Kustom portal and sign in.

  • Select Orders from the menu on the left.

  • Find the order by using the reference, order number, customer name, or email address.

  • Click on the order to open the detailed order view

  • Click on Timeline in the top hand menu

Why do I need to Capture an order?

Capturing orders is important for both you and your customers.

  • When you capture an order, the payout process is initiated: Capturing an order initiates the payout process from Kustom to your account.

  • Your customers' payment plans begin when you capture an order: For invoice and instalment orders, capturing starts the dunning process.

  • What happens if I don’t capture an order: Uncaptured orders will not be paid to your account, and will eventually expire.

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