The logs that can be found in Kustom Portal are retained for 30 days. Use the developer logs to:
Investigate technical issues related to orders or integration.
Review logs related to specific API calls.
Our technical support documentation is available here.
Where to find the Developer logs
Open the Kustom portal and sign in.
Select Developer Logs in the menu on the left.
Use the search bar and filters to narrow down your search and locate the call you wish to investigate.
Reading the Developer Logs
Clicking on the "Reference ID" link on each log, allows you to see all related logs to this reference ID.
Request timestamp: The time and date of Kustom receiving/sending the request. The timestamp is always presented in your local time.
Action: Human-readable Kustom API action triggered by request.
Status: HTTP Status Code returned in response to request. (LINK)
Method: HTTP Request Method.
Reference ID: Order ID.
Event: Underlying Kustom event called.
Type: There are two types of events, outgoing and incoming.
Outgoing: Merchant to Kustom
Incoming: Kustom to Merchant
HTTP status codes
HTTP response status codes are organized into categories according to their first digit, with the remaining digits providing additional details. Here's a quick overview of the main categories:
2xx (Success): The request was successfully received, understood, and processed.
3xx (Redirection): The request needs additional actions to be completed, typically involving a redirection - for example, when a customer selects an unsupported shipping country.
4xx (Client Errors): The request failed because of client-side errors, such as submitting invalid data or attempting to access unauthorized resources.
5xx (Server Errors): The server failed to process the request due to an error on its side.
See more detailed information in Kustom docs.